Q: What exactly is Rummelier® Certification?
A: The Rummelier® program holds an official registered professional certification trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark office. The official government definition of the Rummelier® mark is that the program “certifies or is intended to certify that the services provided have educated and examined Rummelier® candidates to insure expertise in the distillation, typing, tasting, flavor profiling and elucidation of the rum spirit." Rummelier® does not imply affiliation with any other certification organization nor does it endorse any brand or entity.
Q: What's the story behind the development of the Rummelier® Designation?
A: Greg Hill, founder of the Royal Rum Society and Co-Owner of SideCar Cocktail Lounge, has been a rum enthusiast for over 30 years. He has taken countless distillery tours along with attending many "tasting" sessions at drinking establishments around the world. In fact, his personal collection consists of over 500 Rums. He really likes Rum! Years ago, his wife wanted to enroll him in a "Rum Tasting" course as a gift, but she could only find "Rum Distillation" and "Rum Cocktail Mixology" courses available as options. Seeing a need, Greg realized that over the years, he had actually conducted many of his own Rum appreciation and guidance "sessions" among friends and co-workers with great success. Thus, the idea for a "Rummelier®" designation and course were established. Additionally, he is the author of the rum focused book, "It Came From The Cane".
Greg's professional background is in adult education with over 34 years with a Fortune 125 corporation. He holds the professional designation of Master Trainer from the Association for Talent Development. He attended James Madison University as a Music and Communication Major and History Minor. Additionally, he attended the University of Richmond School of Continuing Studies Leadership Program. An award winning author, he has published 10 books on varying topics.
Q: What is the focus of the Rummelier® training?
A: First off, let's discuss what it is NOT focused on - The course is not designed to teach participants how to mix Rum Cocktails. There are plenty of resources on the internet to guide folks in that direction! "Rummelier®" training and certification is specifically designed to identify and appreciate the characteristics of "sipping" Rums and to determine personal preferences based on individual tastes in a "judge-free" environment. (Snobs not welcome!) Rule #1 at the Royal Rum Society is: There is no "right" or "wrong" answer when it comes to whether an individual should like a particular Rum or not. We all have differing opinions and favorites. The Rummelier® is trained to offer Rum suggestions only after fully understanding the preferences of their friend or patron.
Q: What is the difference between "Rummelier®" , "Rumitasse™" and "Rumsommer™" Certification?
A: Rumsommer™ and Rumitasse™ Certification are entry levels into learning more about Rums and appreciating the varieties of taste. Rummelier® (and Master Rummelier®) Certification is designed for the Rum Aficionado that desires the ability to articulate and advise on Rum selections that fit the particular taste preferences of friends, patrons and associates.
Q: Do you have to be of legal drinking age in your state to become Rummilier Certified?
A: Yes. (Note: this question was included due to the RRS Founder's spouse's occupation as an attorney!)
Q: What are the requirements for additional levels of Rummelier® certification?
A: By completing the initial certification training courses, the candidate is considered as a "Level 1" Rummelier®. Additional levels can be obtained by completing additional "Advanced Classes" in addition to other requirements.
Q: Do I have to take the Advance Classes in a specific order for Levels 2-5 Certification?
A: Yes. The four required Advanced Classes must be taken in order. The elective classes can be taken in any order.
Q: What do I receive by completing Rummelier® certification training?
A: In addition to receiving an Official Certificate and a Royal Rum Society Rummelier® pin (only Official Rummeliers® are allowed to wear), the Rummelier® is allowed to use the designation for professional and marketing purposes.
You will also be invited to join the Rummelier® Roundtable - Virtual rum sessions with other Rummeliers from around the globe!
Q. How long do I have to finish the online class modules?
A: The Learning Management System allows candidates one full year to complete the modules. If they are not completed in that time frame, please contact the administrator at info@royalrumsociety.com for access to be re-granted.